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Pages in category "Templates"
The following 515 pages are in this category, out of 515 total.
- A Giddy Thing
- A Message to a Friend
- A Special Light
- A Spirit Unbroken
- A Stroll on the Bottom of the Sea
- A Terrible Beauty
- Action for Percussion Ensemble
- Aeolian bells
- Aeolian Crystallophone
- Africa Hands
- Africantus
- Afro-Fuga
- Afuche
- Agogo Bells
- Alemba
- Alethos Aneste (Christ has truly risen)
- Altar de Neón
- Altar de piedra (Altar of Stone)
- Always very soft
- Amorphosis
- Anagrams
- Annexus
- Around the World with the Drums
- Aspen: Percussion Quartet No. 3 with Piano
- Assumed Identities
- Attention!, op.124
- Augmentation/Floating
- Aurora Borealis (Anderson)
- Aurora Borealis (Bliss)
- Auto horn
- Cabasa
- Cacega Ayuwipi (Decorative Drums)
- Cade
- Cadenzas and Interludes
- Camptown Races
- Cantata Breve
- Canticle No. 1 - Amirkhanian
- Canticle No. 3 - Amirkhanian
- Canticle No.2 - Amirkhanian
- Capriccio (Istvan)
- Carilynae
- Castanets
- Catalysis
- Celesta
- Cenas Amerindias N.1 and N.2
- Centurion March
- Cerebral Capers
- Ceremonies
- Changes
- Choro Bachiano
- Cimbalom
- Circles (Berio)
- Cleveland, Percussion Quartet No. 4 with Piano
- Common Categories
- Common Ground
- Concerto da Camera No. 3
- Concerto for Percussion (Brand)
- Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra (Bell)
- Concerto for Percussion Ensemble (Brand)
- Concerto for Six Percussionists, op. 115
- Concerto for Timpani and Orchestra
- Concerto for Timpani and Orchestra (Rosauro)
- Concerto for Two Pianos, Percussion and Audience
- Concerto for Vibraphone and Orchestra (Rosauro)
- Concerto for Xylophone, Marimba, Vibraphone and Wind Orchestra
- Contrapunctus III
- Contrarhythmic Ostinato
- Contrasts For Percussion
- Cortege (Bamert)
- Cowbell
- Crazy Girls
- Cristales
- Cross Bow
- Cuica
- Cycle
- Damma-Brom
- Darabuka
- Dark Music
- Deborah
- Deformation III: Concerto for Jazz Drum set and Mallet Ensemble
- Del Sogno di Icaro
- Dialog
- Diapason
- Disco
- Divertimento
- Divertimento para Percusion
- Doll's House Story
- Donec Vesper
- Double Bass
- Double Concerto
- Double Concerto for Solo Violin, Solo Piano, Percussion
- Double Scotch
- Dream and Dance
- Dream Music No. 2
- Drei kleine Stncke für Xylophon und Vibraphon
- Duality
- Due movimenti
- Duet for Ratchets
- Duet for Snare Drum and Bass Drum
- Duet for Two Percussion
- Duo of the Memory of a Friend
- Duo per a dos percussionistes
- Duos for Two Marimbas and Assorted Percussion
- Dust into dust - from: Strange and Sacred Noise
- Favola
- Fazool I
- Finger Cymbals
- First Suite for Percussion
- Five Cirandas Brasileiras
- Five Drums in Drive
- Five Elementary Etudes
- Five Percussion Quartets - from: Coyote Builds North America
- Five Pieces for Violin and Percussion
- Five Preludes
- Flava
- Flex-A-Tone
- Flower pot
- Flying Nowhere
- Focus
- Fog Horn
- For O, For O, the Hobbyhorse is Forgot
- Four Drum Quartets - from: Earth and the Great Weather
- Four Holidays for Three Percussion Players
- Foxtrot "Maybell"
- Frame drum
- Friction Drum
- Frigideira
- Frog
- Furitsuzumi
- Fábrica II
- Fünfzehn Etüden
- La Chute des Anges
- Lament on the Death of Arabella
- Lamento e Danza Barbara
- Last Gleaming
- Laurea
- Laurea No. 2
- Le Congries de la Tambour
- Le Rootin Tootin Marquis de Sade
- Legacy
- Les maitres de la batterie
- Les Petits Tamboers
- Lightfall
- Lignumvitae
- Like Wind on the Buffalo Grass (In Memorium, Crazy Horse)
- Linea
- Lion's Roar
- Little Charms (Piyutim K'Tanim)
- Little Rain
- Log Drum
- Ludios II
- Lullaby
- Macedonia
- Mahachu
- Mallets
- Maracas
- March for Pleasure
- March Peace
- Marching
- Marching Machine
- Mariachi
- Marimba Concerto No 2, Op. 25
- Marsian Dance
- Med pukor och klarinett
- Membrano à Tre - Rotazio à Tre
- Memoirs
- Men in the Cities
- Mercury Retrograde
- Mesozoic Fantasy
- Metalophone
- Metals
- Mistaya
- Monochrome Sea
- Monolog
- Moon Step for Percussion
- Morphosis
- Moving
- Mud
- Mulperette
- Musette
- Music (Bevelander)
- Music for Percussion and Strings
- Music for Solo Percussion
- Music for the Earth and the Sky
- Music for Witch Dance
- Musica Nova
- Musica per a Tres Percussionistes
- Musical Saw
- Musique pour un Jazz different
- Musubi
- Muziek voor slagwerk en orkest
- Paper
- Parastasis I
- Parastasis II
- Passacaglia (Blatny)
- Paysage neuf
- Percussion Concerto No. 2, Opus 33
- Percussion for Five
- Percussion on the Prowl
- Percussion Quartet - (Bennett)
- Percussion Quartet - (Brady)
- Performance Studies for Two, Volume 1
- Phoenix
- Piece in Two Parts
- Pieces for Small Percussion Instruments
- Power 2
- Poèmes (Obst)
- Praeludium
- Precision Percussion
- Prelude
- Prelude and Blues
- Przepasc (Precipice)
- Psalmus Niger
- Puls
- Pulse for Brass and Percussion
- Pulse Sample
- Raiders
- Rainstick
- Raspador
- Raspberries
- Ratchet
- Rattle
- Red Snapper
- Reflets
- Reflexos
- Reverberations
- Ribbon Crasher
- Rimbabelle
- Ritmi ed antiritmi
- Ritmo Bagatello - Quattro Stazione
- Ritual for Huitzilopochtli
- Road Traversed and Reversed
- Rondo für Klavier und Schlagzeug
- Ryhthmos: I. Algorhythmos II. Sigarrhythmos III. Pleiorhythmos
- Safricana, op.31
- Salute to the Fifties
- Samba Batu - Samba Cada
- Samoyeds
- Sandpaper Blocks
- Sauyatugvik: The Time of Drumming
- Scherzo B-A-C-H
- Schreeuw Van Deze Aarde (Cry of This Earth)
- Scraping Song
- Seismic Possibilities
- Serie
- Seven Brazilian Children Songs
- Shadow Boxes
- Shadow Fantasy
- Shadow on Mist
- Shadow on Mist (Ensemble)
- Shadowplays
- Shakers
- Shinkansen
- Shunt
- Sine Nomine
- Siren
- Sistrum
- Sky Bites
- Slant
- Slapstick
- Sleigh Bells
- Smiles
- Snares and Sets
- Solfatara, op.81
- Solfeggietto, op.36, n░ 12
- Solfeggietto, op.36, n░ 16
- Solo - (Braafhart)
- Solos, op. 23
- Sonata for Percussion (Andrix)
- Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion
- Sonata Lebensabschnitte
- Sonatina for Four Bass Drums
- Sonatina para caixa clara
- Songbirdsongs
- Songbirdsongs, Book I
- Songbirdsongs, Book II
- Sound-Track
- Spasm for 6
- Spatial music progress report
- Spazio a 5
- Speaking
- Sprachlos
- Sta Vidis
- Staples
- Started like an Exercise
- Steel drum
- Stipendium peccati
- Stones
- Stratum
- Stuttering Sticks
- Suite (Bekku)
- Suite Brazil 500
- Suite for Flute or Clarinet and Solo Percussion
- Suite for Percussion (Brooks)
- Suite for Percussion: Eight Canons for Six Players
- Suite Popular
- Summer Dances
- Sunlight Dialogues
- Suomineito
- Surdo
- Sweep Up
- Synthesizer
- Tabla
- Taiko Drums
- Take That
- Talea
- Tam Ti Deli De Lames
- Tambourim
- Tambourin
- Tapestrie
- Temple Bells
- Temple Bowls
- Ten Etudes for Snare Drum
- Tenor Drum
- Textures & Timbres, An Orchestrator's Handbook
- The Anvil Chorus
- The Axe Manual
- The Boys of Company C
- The Doors of Perception, op.30
- The Drummer's Drum
- The Little Ones
- The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies
- The Onion
- The Ruins of Time, op.9
- The So-Called Laws of Nature
- The Watts Towers
- Theme and Variations (Bernard)
- Themen II
- Themen, op.34
- This was built...
- Three Dances for Percussion Duo
- Three Fogli X 4
- Three Moods
- Three Preludes
- Thunder Sheet
- Tier
- Timbales
- Times Two
- Tin cans
- Tlaloc
- To Play with Pleasure
- To the Gods of Rhythm
- Toccata and Divertimento
- Toccatatina
- Toms
- Top Gun La Silla
- Toque
- Transitions
- Tremolino Malletino - A la Pentatonie
- Tres Pecas para Percussao
- Tribute
- Trilogy
- Trimaran
- Trinité
- Trio for Percussion
- Trio for Tenor Saxophone, Piano and Percussion
- Trio for Violin and Percussion
- Trio No. 1
- Trio per Uno
- Triple Concerto
- Trois Interludes
- Trommeli Tom-tom; Trim Tram Trom Trum
- Tropical rythme
- Truck Springs
- Turning
- Twenty-Seven Lines
- Twilight Remembered
- Two Brazilian Steel Dances
- Two Poems for Jazz-Quartet, op.55