Two Antiphonal Portraits

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Daniel Adams

General Info

Year: 2000
Duration: 00:12:00
Difficulty: Advanced
Publisher: C. Alan Publications
Cost: Score and Parts - $48.00   |   Score Only - $0.00



Player 1: Marimba & Cowbell
Player 2: Marimba & Agogo Bells
Player 3: Marimba & Maracas
Player 4: Marimba & Guiro
Player 5: Vibraphone & 3 Suspended Cymbals
Player 6: Vibraphone & Large Tam-Tam
Player 7: Glockenspiel & Wood Block & Claves
Player 8: Glockenspiel & Temple Blocks & Small Tam-Tam
Player 9: Xylophone & 4 Concert Tom-Toms
Player 10: Xylophone & Bass Drum & Bongos
Player 11: Crotales & Chimes & 3 Triangles
Player 12: Crotales & Chimes & Brake Drum


Program Notes

Two Antiphonal Portraits was composed for the University of South Florida Percussion Ensemble. Stylistically, it reflects influences of late twentieth century sound mass composition, Latin-American percussion, and the concerto grosso procedures found in many Baroque instrumental compositions. The title refers to the division of the twelve performers into three groups of four, with two groups placed on opposite sides of the stage and the marimbas in the center. Although it is scored mostly for melodic (keyboard) instruments, all performers also play indefinitely-pitched wood, metal and membrane instruments. Most of the antiphonal passages occur in the parts for the vibraphones, xylophones, chimes, glockenspiel and crotales, all scored in pairs. The four marimbas function mostly as an independent sub-ensemble, occasionally interacting with the other instrumental groups. Throughout both movements, there is interplay between ideas introduced by definitely and indefinitely-pitched instruments. Overlapping textures of long sustained sonorities, counterpoint and repeated percussive passages are also essential structural materials in both movements. Thematic ideas introduced in a tentative and restrained manner in the contemplative first movement are developed more aggressively in the more complex, aggressive and rhythmically driven second movement. Melodic and harmonic materials in both movements are based on short segments of the chromatic scale. The rhythmic motives in the indefinitely-pitched instruments parallel the melodic contour of those introduced in the pitched instruments. Although the pitched instruments dominate much of the piece, the coda of the second movement consists of repeated cross-rhythms played entirely on indefinitely-pitched instrument.


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Works for Percussion by this Composer

Alloy - Percussion Trio
Ambience (Adams) - Percussion Septet
Andalusian Haiku - Percussion Duo
Between - Marimba; Flute
Camaraderie - Timpani; Percussion Septet
Collage - Multiple Percussion; Piano
Concerto for Euphonium and Percussion Quintet - Percussion Quintet; Euphonium
Dissolve - Percussion Octet
Echogenesis - Percussion Quartet
Equipoise - Multiple Percussion; Saxophone
Five Elementary Etudes - Multiple Percussion
Focus - Vibraphone; Bassoon
Isorhythmic Concerto - Multiple Percussion; Wind Ensemble
Khromas Diabolus - Percussion Quintet; Trombone
Lignumvitae - Percussion Trio
Performance Studies for Two, Volume 1 - Snare Drum
Protagonist - Tom-tom; Percussion Trio
Reverberations - Timpani
Road Traversed and Reversed - Marimba Duo
Shadow on Mist - Multiple Percussion; Flute
Shadow on Mist (Ensemble) - Percussion Quintet; Flute
Stratum - Marimba Quartet
Syzygy - Marimba; Violin
Talea - Percussion Sextet
Tamboo Bamboo - Steel Drum; Percussion Orchestra
Three Movements for Unaccompanied Marimba - Marimba
Three Subtropical Vistas - Marimba, Vibraphone, Voice
Times Two - Percussion Duo
Twilight Remembered - Multiple Percussion; Flute
Two Antiphonal Portraits - Percussion Ensemble (12)
Variation sans theme - Snare Drum
Windward Passage - Marimba, Vibraphone, String Quartet

Additional Resources
