Halcyon Days

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Nathan Daughtrey

General Info

Year: 2011
Duration: 00:10:30
Difficulty: Advanced
Publisher: C. Alan Publications
Commission: Dr. Joshua Knight + Consortium
Cost: $42.00


1. Alcyone & Ceyx
2. Ceyx at Sea
3. Turbulent Waters
4. The Fall of Ceyx
5. Metamorphosis
6. Halcyon Days




Percussion Ensemble

Player 1: Glockenspiel & Crotales & 2 Woodblocks & Tam-Tam
Player 2: Vibraphone & China Cymbal & Bongos
Player 3: Chimes & Bell Tree & Suspended Cymbal & 2 Brake Drums
Player 4: Ocean Drum & Marching Bass Drum & Concert Bass Drum & Tam-Tam

Program Notes

The phrase "Halcyon Days" (HAL-see-uhn) refers to a period of peace and tranquility. It can also harken back to an earlier time that is remembered as idyllic, whether accurately or not. I researched the mythological origins of this phrase to gather more inspiration for the piece. According to Ovid's Metamorphoses, Alcyone (al-SAHY-uh-nee) was the daughter of Aeolus (EE-uh-luhs), King of the Winds, and the wife of Ceyx (SEE-iks). Alcyone and Ceyx were very much in love and were never willingly apart. Ceyx decided he must make a long journey across the sea to consult the oracle of Apollo at Delphi. Knowing the danger of such a journey, Alcyone was overwhelmed with grief and terror and begged him not to go. Ceyx left anyway and died tragically in a shipwreck. The gods came to Alcyone in a dream and told her of her husband's death. Stricken with grief, she jumped into the sea, but the Gods took pity on her and before she could be overcome by the waves, she was transformed into a kingfisher (also called a halcyon). Ceyx was changed into a bird as well and their love was blessed for all time. In their honor, Zeus forbade the winds to blow for seven days prior to and seven days following the Winter Solstice so Alcyone & Ceyx could safely brood over their nests near the waters. Their tragic love story has given us the very word that means calm, contentment and happiness. The music follows the arc of the story fairly closely, dividing into six sections. The melodic/harmonic material is derived from 4 chords and pitch sets, which help to unify the piece.




Commercial Discography

Online Recordings

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Works for Percussion by this Composer

Vibraphone Solo

No One is Alone
The Place Where Lost Things Go

Marimba Solo

Mountain Paths
The Giving Tree Variations

Multiple Percussion Solo

Multiple Musings

Mallet Ensemble

Small Ensemble

Medium Ensemble

Large Ensemble

Flexible Ensemble

Drums of Moria
Fallen Stars
Prism Schism
Sea of Tranquility (Full Percussion Ensemble Version)

Percussion Concerto

Percussion Ensemble with Other Instrument

As Above, So Below - Percussion Ensemble (12) with Piano
Be That of the Wind - Percussion Octet with Wind Quintet
Bounce - Percussion Ensemble (12) with Solo Trumpet
Coming Home - Percussion Quintet with Solo Euphonium
Spitfire II - Percussion Nonet with Solo Euphonium
Twitch - Percussion Ensemble (11) with Solo Clarinet
The Wexford Carol - Percussion Nonet with Solo Soprano Saxophone

Books for Percussion by this Composer


The Yuletide Marimbist (Book 1)
The Yuletide Marimbist (Book 2)
The Sacred Marimbist (Volume 2)


The Celtic Xylophone, Book 1
The Celtic Xylophone, Book 2



Additional Resources
